Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sexual Violence in Older Adults

Sexual Violence against the elderly has often been overlooked, minimized, and ignored. These forgotten victims are left to live with the emotional and physical scars of this crime all alone.
Sexual abuse of the elderly is one of the least reported types of elder victimization.  It is important to listen to and believe someone when they describe being sexual abused.  If you know of someone who has reported being sexually abused, please seek help.
In most elder sexual assault cases, the perpetrator is a caregiver or family member -representing a unique betrayal of trust.  The victim often has already experienced losses of power and control due to dependence on the caregiver. Many abusers are also dependent on their victims for housing, transportation and sometimes care.
There is a wide range of sexual abuse which many older people experience, physical contact such as oral, anal and vaginal rape, molestation, and sexualized kissing; Or non- physical contact such as sexual harassment and threats, forced pornography viewing, using older adults to produce pornography, exhibitionism, and exposing the victim’s body as a form of humiliation.
There are many signs and symptoms of sexual abuse in an older adult

·         Sleep disturbances
·         Incontinence
·         Increased Anxiety
·         Crying spells
·         Withdrawal
·         Sudden avoidance or fear of specific people
·         Depressive Assumptions
·         Agitation
·         Personal Hygiene
·         Restlessness
·         Decreased enjoyment of activities
·         Intrusive memories
·         Attempts to leave care facilities which they were previously willing to remain
·         Genital, anal, throat and oral injuries
·         Bruising on breasts, buttocks, thighs, neck and other body area
·         Imprint injuries; human bite marks
·         Sexually transmitted diseases
·         Difficulty walking or sitting

If you are a victim or know of someone who you think is a victim, speak out.  

Sarah's House
Child and Family Advocacy Center

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